We host a variety of events, offering food and special deals on beer.
Superbowl Party - We will host a community Potluck/Superbowl Party on Sunday, February 11th, starting at 3:30. We will provide free-meatball subs, a variety of chips, dips and snacks. There may even be some Cinnamon Stout-Vanilla Floats!
Paczki's and Pints - A Polish tradition for Fat Tuesday, Paczki ( A Polish Jelly Roll) The dough uses everything that was originally forbidden during Lent: alcohol, butter, milk, lard, and eggs. Splurging before the start of Lent, we add to the tradition by adding beer to the list! Join us on Tuesday, February 13th and get a homemade Paczki with your purchase of a pint! You'll enjoy this Polish tradition and Paczki's made with our 100 year old family recipe!
St. Patrick's Day Celebration - Standby for updates on how Stahoo's will celebrate St. Patrick's Day. Our "Gleason's Irish Red" is brewed, and ready! We anticipate the annual Brew Crawl and Bagpipes will take place on Saturday, March 16th. We will serve a traditional Corned Beef and Cabbage meal, with everything boiled in kegs and plated just for you! We served more than 100 lbs of delicious Corned Beef last year, over the course of two-days. There is no reason to walk away hungry!
Jeep Show - (July) - We will once again be celebrating the history and culture of the Jeeping community. Last year we closed down the street and enjoyed more than 45 jeeps and their owners, as well as fine smokes from Casper Cigar Company. IN true Stahoo's fashion, we'll offer up a meal hot-off the smoker. This event will take place on a Saturday, and as soon as we have the details we will release more information.
Alcohol - Tobacco - and Firearms - (September) "HOLD MY BEER!!" Now in it's third-year we celebrate the ATF with a party, featuring cold brews, great smokes from Casper Cigar Company and super-cool eye candy from Toyon Wiggs and "Red, White and Blued", Casper's choice for custom made firearms, gunsmithing services, custom ammo and newly minted titanium supressors. We hang out, eat great food and enjoy the company of our friends and fans of beer, cigars and guns!